On Saturday 23 March 2013 21:14:32 Lawrence Glaister did opine:

> On Sat, 2013-03-23 at 17:36 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > I've fixed and potrace'd to an eps file that looks ok when imported
> > into gimp, of the handle outline of the cocking piece in a BP rifle. 
> > I was under the impression that we had something that could take this
> > .eps file and make gcode out of it, but I'll be dipped if I can
> > recall its name.
> > 
> > Can anyone help?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Cheers, Gene
> Hi Gene,
> maybe you are thinking of pstoedit: version 3.50
> Generates gcode (amongst a lot of other formats) from postscript
> drawings.
> It has an output driver that generates gcode.
> see pstoedit -help
> -------------------------------------------
>       gcode:                  .gcode: emc2 gcode format       
> -------------------------------------------
> cheers
> Lawrence
Unforch, pstoedit --help, gets me a segfault & no help.  But the man page 
suggested a command line & darned if it didn't work before throwing another 
segfault, I guess its fond of those.  I did get the help screen at one 
point by givinbg it filenames but not the -f option.  TLC needed?

The output file contains enough hints that I can manipulate both size and 
orientation with an editor, and looks to be easy enough to convert into a 
subroutine to cut full depth.  It names the output file .ncg, not .ngc but 
thats minor.  The biggest problem is that NFS has suddenly ceased to work, 
so I can't send the file to the mill except with a usb key & a sneakernet.  
Ain't computers grand?  NOT!
Thanks Lawrence, it looks like I have a usable method now.

Cheers, Gene
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