On Monday 19 August 2013 22:37:33 Gregg Eshelman did opine:

> If you can lay hands on some fine, black monofilament, or whatever it is
> that's used in gun scopes, you could make an optical crosshair and skip
> the computer generated one. The real crosshair's position isn't going
> to wabble about as the camera chenges temperature and it won't be
> dependent on the video resolution - as long as the camera has enough
> depth of field to focus on both the crosshair and the feature on the
> work to which you're aligning.
> A google for eyepiece with crosshair shows that one doesn't have to
> resort to pestering black widow spiders. There are hunks of high
> quality optical glass with lines carved into them for this sort of use.
> ;-)
That might work Greg, but the lifetime of such a setup would be relatively 
poor since I can move down at .001" to 30" a minute, eventually 
overpowering the motor at about 160 lbs of downforce.  Smunch.  And Edmond 
Scientific gets another order. :(  To do actual work it would have to be 
made to swing out of the way, and that brings up the how do I restore it 
for micron accuracy when I swing it back down question.  How repeatable is 
the operating position?  I think I'd druther just generate the crosshairs & 
mount the camera solid enough it will absorb the occasional errant wrench 
or chuck key while changing tools.  Good idea on the face of it, not so 
practical in the real world of flying swarf methinks.

Thanks Greg.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
My web page: <http://coyoteden.dyndns-free.com:85/gene> is up!
My views 
* Turken thinks little kids are absolutely adorable... especialyy when
  they're someone elses.
A pen in the hand of this president is far more
dangerous than 200 million guns in the hands of
         law-abiding citizens.

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