Hi again,

So, I have played with the xemc.cc code to uncover some C++ interfaces and
I have also played with using linuxcncrsh to control remotely, which is
obviously simpler.

In my situation, I also need to monitor an analog input which will return a

I have an example of doing something similar in Axis, with signals defined
in the HAL file and the appropriate overlay file definition.

Is there a way of accessing this same type of data through linuxcncrsh, or
will I need to code this specific access myself?

thanks again,

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Frank Tkalcevic <
fr...@franksworkshop.com.au> wrote:

> As has been mentioned before, using linuxcncrsh may do all that you need.
> It can open files, start/stop runs, return status etc.
> It is a simple telnet interface, so you just need a socket connection and
> then send text commands down the line.  There is a Java example in the
> forum
> http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/21-axis/21678-controlling-li
> nuxcncrsh-from-a-java-program
> Or, you can look at the linuxcncrsh source to see an example of remote
> control.
> Be careful though, the linuxcncrsh code has been changed so that it must be
> the only GUI.  If you try to run it with axis at the same time, linuxcnc
> will eventually fail.  The documentation still says that you can run it
> with
> axis.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Walter Cigana [mailto:walter.cig...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, 21 October 2013 5:22 PM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: [Emc-users] Controlling LinuxCNC externally with C++ program
> Hi all,
> I am still Learning LinuxCNC and I again have a few questions.
> I am trying to figure out the best way to "drive" LinuxCNC from a C++
> program.
> This program would receive general commands from the user, something
> like: "execute procedure 1" and translate this into telling LinuxCNC to
> open
> a specific file and run the G-code therein.
> I saw that there is a Python interface:
> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/common/python-interface.html#_the_linuxcnc
> _python_module
> The doc states that "Programmatic access to NML is through a C++ API;
> however, the most important parts of the NML interface to Linuxcnc are also
> available to Python programs through the linxuxcnc module."
> I do not really feel like learning Python, but I cannot find the C++ way to
> do this.  I have seen some documentation, but nothing specific and I cannot
> find any examples.
> Ideally, I could just use an API from my program.  Can someone point me in
> the right direction???
> thanks,
> Walter
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