On 01/02/2014 10:40 AM, Niemand Sonst wrote:
> Will you localize it? Here in Germany we are used to give a "," as
> decimal separator, your GUI says 0,12 is not a number.

Ah, yes, the problem of localization. I've seen ISO committees come to 
blows over this.

Check the Python locale module. There's all sorts of goodies hidden in 
its dictionary. Just be careful to preserve the use of the full-stop 
separator in the emitted G-code:-)

When I was first participating in ISO committees in the 1980s, I admit I 
was taken aback by the different conventions. I would write 1,234,567.89 
and my German colleagues would object that I meant 1.234.567,89 Ok, I 
get it!

I was told during conversation in the bar after one of these meetings 
that the switch to using a comma instead of a full stop to indicate a 
decimal point arose from a German law case involving an old handwritten 
will with a substantial legacy which appeared to be ambiguous. This 
explanation is so weird it just might be true. Anybody know?

Then there's the matter of representing dates. Erik's site tells me he 
published this script on 2/1/2014. I had to think twice!

By the way, Erik, you have an attractive, well-organized website. Props 
for posting MD5SUM results for your program codes.


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