On Tue, Apr 15, 2014, at 05:21 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> Does any HAL pin indicate if the current move is a G1, G2, G3 or G0 move?
> I am wondering if such a pin would be useful for things like laser
> cutters, which could cut with g1 and  move with g0, almost
> automagically.
> I see some mention in the motion docs about "free-tp-enable" which
> indicates that the "free planner" is active. However as far as I can
> see the phrase "free planner" only appears in that sentence, and
> nowhere else in the docs.
> -- 

"Free" is a term from the EMC days to indicate un-coordinated
motion, each axis is free to move independently.  At the user
level, that is jogging and other things that happen in manual

The "free planner" is a simple trajectory planner that does a
single axis trapzeoidal velocity profile.  There is one free planner
per joint, and they are used for jogging, homing moves, etc.

  John Kasunich

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