Hi all;

Today is "CNC Machine Day", and I've spent over 3 hours trying to get a
5i25/7i76 combo working.

1) jumpers verified on 5i25, so that it supplies 5v to the 7i76;
2) both yellow LEDS on the 7i76 light.
3) Field power, separate 12v power supply.
4) 5i25 has sticker on back saying it has 7i76x2.bit (or very close)

Symptoms. Nothing happens.

- No stepper movement. In pncconf, no movement when testing axes. digital
stepper drives have green LED lit (Leadshine DM856) Motors do not power up;
they are as cold as the machine. Leaving the enable lines unconnected (as
per documentation) or tying them high/low does nothing.

- Trying Ed's test at
http://softsolder.com/2013/06/18/mesa-5i25-7i76-first-light/ does nothing.

(using his wiring in the picture, but with an old needle volt meter, and
then a digital meter - would have expected the analogue needle to at least
quiver off of 0.0v)

- running halcmd show pin for an input pin does not change anything when
the pin is tied to field ground, or field v+.

- LinuxCNC - no movement, no ability to set or read a HAL output pins via
the hal commands, and watching pins does nothing.

Took the parallel cable off of my working machine (5i25 driving a g540) to
see if something happened to the cable currently on this machine. No change.

I'm obviously doing something idiotic. Maybe I'll go and take the dog for a
long walk. But, I did not expect to have nothing coming in.

So, any thoughts as to what I have missed?

I might have to just go back and work on my KX1, now that I've been given
some help on THAT one by you guys this week...

Oh, dmesg | grep hm2 says:

[   68.132503] hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15
[   75.637313] hm2_pci: loading Mesa AnyIO HostMot2 driver version 0.7
[   75.637448] hm2_pci: discovered 5i25 at 0000:05:00.0
[   75.638147] hm2/hm2_5i25.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 35
[   75.695449] Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Hardware Mode 0 = standard
[   75.697784] Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 0 = io_spin
[   75.700686] Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 1 = io_ana_spin
[   75.704528] Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 2 =
[   75.873557] hm2/hm2_5i25.0: 34 I/O Pins used:

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