On 10/24/2014 02:55 AM, andy pugh wrote:
... snip
> And it might not be as simple as E-stop. (As an example, my Z axis is
> a moving table. It drops when the power goes off. I wouldn't want that
> to happen part way through a tool-change if I had a rack toolchanger,
> so the correct response to a failed tool-release or loss of air would
> not be to e-stop in that situation)
... snip

It sounds like you need one of these:

My lathe has one for the spindle (top two pictures):

As you probably know, servo motors are available with magnetic release 
brakes built in. The Tormach mills use them on the Z axis. If the power 
goes out, e-stop trips, or watchdog barks, the machine stops instantly.

The magnetic engage clutches are handy too.

Kirk Wallace

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