On 29 October 2014 17:57,  <p...@wpnet.us> wrote:

> The PNCConf seems to think hm2_5i25.0.encoder.00. is the high speed spindle 
> encoder input

Yes, that's an encode "on" the 5i25.

The MPG encoder are "on" the 7i76 and the 7i76 is "on" the 5i25 and
this gives them names like hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0.enc0

To confuse things, there are wires from terminals on the 7i76 straight
through to the 5i25 high-speed encoder(s), but that encoder counter is
running in the 5i25 FPGA whereas the MPG encoders run in the 7i76

It is probably instructive to do the pinlist thing that PCW suggested
with a bare 5i25, then with a 7i76 connected, then with the 7i76 in
the alternative modes.

In fact... Here is the result of that exercise with my (early) 7i76. I
don't seem to have the encoders:


If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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