On Sunday 21 December 2014 13:09:31 jrmitchellj . did opine
And Gene did reply:
> Sad to hear that Gene.
> My thoughts are with you!
> Ray M.
> --J. Ray Mitchell Jr.
> jrmitche...@gmail.com
> (818)324-7573

Thanks Ray, I appreciate them.

I've temporarily pushed the new mill motor supply bits & pieces to the 
back of the queue until a function generator I bought on fleabay gets 
here, s/b shipped Monday.  Then I can see just how well a 425 can be 
driven when the driver is set for /25, the max it can divide a step into, 
and doable with a 5i25, but not with software stepping.  Current running 
at /8, and quite audible.

In the meantime, making red sawdust at the chop saw, and out of the random 
orbit sander and curly cues out of a Bailey #7 jointer plane, building the 
blanket chest on the front cover of the fall issue of Fine WordWorking.  I 
just sawed out to test the joint fit, the lid, and am somewhat amazed at 
the real estate that puppy takes up, currently 41.25"x 22" wide.  
Breadboard ends will take it out to around 46" long overall.

Supposed to be 22.125", but try as I may, I can't make 4 ea 5.5" wide 
boards stretch that far. So the whole thing will shrink 1/8" in depth 
front to back, nominally, depends on how much I lose jointing it.  It will 
shrink internally anyway as I am going to line it with removable for 
sanding, aromatic cedar T&G closet liner.  I figure if I do it, I may as 
well do it first class. :)


Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
US V Castleman, SCOTUS, Mar 2014 is grounds for Impeaching SCOTUS

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