On Wed, Jul 15, 2015, at 02:37 PM, Rick wrote:
> Hello Guys,
> I just narrowed it down to the release, in version 2.6 something went 
> off path in regards to halui.program.pause and halui.program.resume.
> I have manual pushbuttons on the rolling guards of the machines to 
> initiate a feedhold, and to resume the operation. In 2.6 there is a 
> slight delay, maybe .5 -1.0 second before either machine motion stops, 
> and I get the output of halui.program.is-paused ( which is tied to a red 
> led on the rolling guard as well), or the machine resumes operation and 
> I get the output of halui.program.is-running ( which is tied to a green 
> led next to the red led on the guard).
> The delay is about the same for both outputs, and that 1 second at 
> 400ipm seems like an eternity to the operator when he keeps hitting 
> feedhold, and motion doesn't stop. Pretty scary when you expect it to 
> stop and it might run thru 2 or 3 more lines of code on short moves at 
> high feed rates.
> More halui inputs/outputs may be affected, but I don't use any of them, 
> so I'm not sure.
> Do I submit a bug report??
> Ric

Are you saying the exact same configuration worked without a perceptible
delay on version 2.5 and older?  Same computer and operating system

Keep in mind that halui is NOT a hard-real-time component.  Anything
done by halui or other non-realtime-code has NO guarantees against
delays.  Usually things are fast, but just like Windows will sometimes 
go out to lunch for a while or your browser (even on Linux) will appear
to lock up while processing the latest spam-laden webpages, anything
can happen once you go outside the realtime system.

Halui is a user interface just like Axis, and the fact that it connects to 
physical buttons does not mean that it is any better than any other 
keyboard or mouse driven user interface as far as reliability and 
guaranteed speed.

The only hard realtime components are the main motion controller
(hal pins like motion.xxxxxx and axis.N.xxxxx) and the lower level
HAL components like PID, stepgen, hardware drivers, etc.

There is a HAL pin on the motion module that implements a feed-hold
in real-time: motion.feed-hold.  Note that it can be overridden in g-code.
See http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/motion.9.html

That said, if the halui interface used to be "fast" and now it isn't, it
probably should be looked at.  I'd go ahead and file the report.

  John Kasunich

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