On 09/11/2015 10:50 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I was feathered, sorta resembling a chicken, so I called in a scale
> module, which once configured worked really well.
> But in the 2.8.0-pre's I have a bitch, a loud one.  The halmeter is shown
> forground for as long as it exists, and that is nice, very nice.
> But neither halscope nor the hal show config do.  I had halscope watching
> some stuff an external scope cannot access.  And everytime I clicked on
> the mdi line to try a spindle speed change today, all that stuff went
> behind the axis screen, rendering what you wanted to watch invisible
> because you simply cannot get it re-selected in time to see the response
> the system made from the command you typed.
Gene, can you right click on top bar of Halscope and choose 'Always on 
top"? and if you change desktops, try "Always on visible workspace"
you should be able to use the other windows like the mdi line
without loosing sight of the Scope.
The developers have to work inside the desktop environment that you use.
Things like fonts and colors and whos on top are governed by other 
rules. If the devs take over that stuff they may borq something else.
Its really your job to choose how your desktop is laid out. You do have 
the power to do so.

HTH TomP tjtr33

> IMO thats a bug big enough to get out my Ackley-06 & do some target
> shooting.  I do not recall that it was a problem 2 years ago when I was
> doing the same spindle tuning exercises.  Please fix that I beg you.

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