On 9/18/2015 9:32 AM, Brian Morel wrote:
> Since I was about to order that probe.  Can you give us the quick verdict,
> yes / no ?
My repeatability for downward probing was + - 0.0001".

My repeatability for side probing was approximately + - 0.0005".

I think it is worth it for the things I will be doing. I think it is 
faster and more accurate than me using an edge finder and making 0.0001" 
jog movements. Stick slip gets me in that scenario. If I use an edge 
finder I just jog in 0.001" increments.

The other thing is that replacement parts are available also. Good thing 
as I already needed some due to my impatient and faulty brain.

There, Now I ruined the next video!

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