On 11/05/2015 09:31 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 05 November 2015 21:55:00 MC Cason wrote:
>> Gene,
>>     I uploaded some pictures to Flickr, to show you how I have mine
>> done:
>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/46689581@N03/albums/72157660780465122
> Neat. But I'll need to come up with a more compact mounting for a bunch
> of them to run a tool changer.  Perf-board likely will be about ideal
> but I'll need to find space on that size of perf-board for at least a 5
> pack of those.  I can still conserve I/O pins on a 5i25 by useing 3 bits
> as an address generator and 3 more for enable/step/dir.  I don't see
> more than one motor moving at a time, but with conventional wiring, a 5
> motor setup is 15 output pins.  I think I can beat that down to 6 if
> only one motor at a time is to be moving.  3 to address which motor gets
> the signals, and 3 for enable,dir,step.  All dir and step can be shared,
> but the 3 bit address only enables the one addressed.

   I don't have a tool changer, so my comment may not work, but why not 
have LinuxCNC send a signal out to a microcontroller, let the 
microcontroller do it's job, and then have the microcontroller send a 
signal back to LinuxCNC to tell it when it's done?  I do not consider 
myself a programmer, but I'm still able to make the Arduino software 
give me what I want.

   If a stock Arduino board doesn't have enough pins, the Teensy series 
of boards have more pins available.  For me, $20.00 for the 3.2, and 
$12.00 for the LC, was fairly cheap, considering what other boards on 
the market cost.  Both of them use the Arduino software (with addon 
sofware) as it's IDE.

   This is how the RepRap guys mount their boards:

   The perf board is just for prototyping, and I'm a couple of mods 
beyond the one in the pictures.  When I'm finally satisfied, I will have 
a few circuit boards made.  I know two people here locally that are 
interested in their own boards.  $48.00 for 3 from OSH Park, or $47.00 
for 10 directly from China.  Decisions, decisions...

> But I'm going to be out of pocket for a bit, tomorrow I get the brakes
> redone on my GMC, If amazon manages to deliver Saturday, I'll be busy
> putting our local AM'er back on the air at full power.  Monday I am
> scheduled for a pair of saddle block shots in whats left of my back, and
> if amazon doesn't deliver till Monday, I'll have to see if I can finish
> that transmitter after I get back from the shots.  Might not be able to
> pull that off till after the shots have taken effect.  I was informed
> I'd need a driver.  Last time I drove myself home.  But that was 2 years
> ago.  As a friend was fond of saying, I'm not the man I once was, even
> once. ;-)
> Thanks, MC Cason.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

   I know what you mean about having back problems.  I've been disabled 
for 14 years now, and live in constant pain.  I bought all of my machine 
tools to keep me from going crazy.

MC Cason
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