Greetings everybody;

Given that I note the vfd's seem to have an adjustable accelleration 
control, and that my couple of hours playing with it from its own front 
panel, I am led at ask the question of just how fast can one of these 
things be reversed from say 1000 rpm at the motor spindle?

I ask because my present setup, using the OEM PM DC motor which is all 
gear drive to the spindle, one of Jons pwm servo amplifiers and a 125 
volt dc supply, reversals at the turn around depth of this cycle of a 
peck tapping operation, with the spindle doing 300 rpms, is a very small 
fraction of a second, far less than 30 degrees of rotation.  Based on 
its reversal performance at 2500 rpms being a slim second, I am 
concerned that the vfd may not be able to reverse so quickly, and will 
impact my use of G33.1 because of the turnaround over shoots.  On my 
lathe, with its fragile drive train and a 5" chuck, this overshoot is 
between 2 and 3 turns at 250 running rpms.  Usable, but if I don't stop 
it soon enough, the tap may bottom out and break.

What has been the experience of others using smaller vfd's and motors? 

Can you still do rigid tapping safely?

Thanks all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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