On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Nicklas Karlsson <
nicklas.karlsso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am planning to use a micro controller for stepper step pulse generation.
> I have considered to use an inverter card but special purpose stepper
> circuits are cheap so I use one of these instead. It should be possible to
> feed timer values then toggle should happen via DMA timer output compare
> values.
> Can anyone suggest how an ideal step generation curve should look?
> Constant acceleration up to top speed? Constant deceleration from top speed
> to zero? Or just stop generating pulses?

So you are NOT using LinuxCNC.  You are planning to roll your own?

I've done this a few times.  My purpose for using CNC is robotics and these
robots use motors of various type and move not unlike CNC machines.  All of
these motors I always control using some microprocessor.  (ARM or AVR)

Generally the pulse rate generator is at the lowest "layer" of abstraction
in your software and gets requests from some high layers to do things like
move at some rate to some location.  Your software has to try to do what it
is requested but subject to physical properties of the motor and mechanical
system.  You have to program this in.  Likely maximum acceleration is a
function of current speed.  Likely the range of position is limited and so
on.  Some requests might have speed or acceleration limits embedded in them

After this there is one more important thing that really is done my some
layer above the pulse generator and that is planning.  Say you are going to
make a U-turn (reverse a motor direction) you might need to slow down
before.  This is called "planning" and it's always hard and with robots who
work in a changing environment maybe not possible.   But if you are
interpreting G-Code you can always just read ahead.

Ok there is one case where the pulse generator CAN and should do some
planning.  If it gets a request to "move to location X"  it should
accelerate to maximum speed, move for some time then DECELERATE and stop at
"X" using other max

There are some cases where the pulse generator MUST work with more then one
motor at the same time.  What if the request is to "move in a circle"  or
if doing threading on a lathe to move the spindle and leadscrew in
"lock-step".  In my case I want to move a caterpillar-tread robot along an
arc of given radios so that it passes through the center of a doorway.
The limiting factor is the performance of the "outside" tread motor.  In
general what running multiple motors one of then will hit a performance
limit first and the others need to have their accelerations limited.

The easiest thing for you to do is use software that others have written
and get it to work some how on the platform your choose (An ARM based SBC
like the beagle bored or "Pi")   For CNC work LinucCNC already does what
you need and for robotics look up "ROS".  Both of these can run on a
computer the size of a credit card.

Now getting to your specific question of wetter to use constant
acceleration (linearly increasing speed) or some kind of curve.  The above
should have answered this.  The pulse generator will try for maximum
performance which is constant acceleration but may run into physical
limitation of the motor and mechanics where available torque is a function
of speed and this will cause acceleration if tapper off.   On the other
hand if the request has an embedded limit you may not het mechanical
limitations and you can actually do constant acceleration up to the
commanded speed.


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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