But see here's where I'm confused.  If Linux already provides priorities of
then the LinuxCNC as a task can run higher than anything else.
If the motion/encoder control is offloaded to a device driver, which should
have even higher priority then where does the real time kernel of the
LinuxCNC fit in?
John Dammeyer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicklas Karlsson [mailto:nicklas.karlsso...@gmail.com]
> Sent: March-16-16 9:42 AM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Linuxcnc on arm
> > Real time is not one of the main concerns of the kernel devs. The kernel
> > has graphics drivers that interfere with real time as well as X.
> Probably right no one are interested enough. Good real time performance
> require proper priority of everything handled from interrupts, I also read
> system management interrupts are not possible to get rid of. Knowlegde
> about which real time tasks exist within kernel like serial receive
> which must be handled before filled up next time or accept lose data is
> probably another issue I never even heard anyone mention.
> Nicklas Karlsson
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