On 2016-05-23 17:28, andy pugh wrote:
> On 23 May 2016 at 13:40, W. Martinjak <mats...@play-pla.net> wrote:
>> It's right that the off-topic stuff quietens, but if you are the "wrong one" 
>> not just the off-topic stuff.
>> Then suddenly there is silence for hours.
> That often happens anyway. The IRC can sometimes be the absolute best
> support channel. Or, if you get unlucky or it is a quiet time, it can
> be entirely useless.
Yes, or someone treats you as a complete fool and you find yourself online with 
a helpdesk like Al Bundy.
And this cronyism is weird.


My fancy to develop for lcnc is lowering to sea level.
Wasted time.

sorry for this but.... shakehead...

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