On 2016-05-24 17:57, Dave Caroline wrote:
> They did not say no, were not saying no, were not implying no,
> You misunderstood, jepler was merely asking for a pull request to make
> the review process easy.
> He wants to help.


The odd thing is that no one is curious or interested on the source (new 
driver) itself.
It's totaly irrelevant who checks in the code.

And my 1st problem with pull request was, I have on my github account a another 
linuxcnc fork with some changes but it's behind the upstream.
And syncing with upstream repos is in some cases cumbersome:

@ bottom is a tip: *Tip*: Syncing your fork only updates your local copy of the 
repository. To update your fork on GitHub, you must push your changes

And the 2nd Prob was, that git does not work properly in my qemu chroot 
environment where I compiled the source tree for the arm processor.
I had to copy the whole tree around.
Because of only 2 files.

And this whole theatre due to just 2 fucking files.

2 weeks development and then: sorry no stamp!


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