On 2016-05-24 17:05, andy pugh wrote:
> I don't see it as cronyism, I see it as both sides of the conversation
> being baffled about the motivations of the other.
Show me where, please.
I have requested for a first short review.
Not more or no less.

> Maybe there is a misunderstanding about hwat happens to code that is
> submitted? It doesn't get "adopted" and maintained by a core team of
> developers, there is no such team.
Yes there is.
Who manages the build process, configuration managment aso. ?
There are just few people who being versed with hostmot2 lowlevel programming.
I'd say less then one hand full.

> In that conversation Jepler seems to be explaining what it would take
> to keep the driver working in future releases of LinuxCNC. That seems
> reasonable to me.
No, he urged a totaly obvious fact which is explicit  mentioned in the posted 
source link.
And you can also assume the basic mood here and indicates the direction of the 
journey :

And Dave has right.
If they just said no it would be better.

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