On 01/06/17 15:55, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
>> Nicklashello
>> the time from voltage turn-on until the voltage dropis the ionization time
>> this can be used as an indication of the gap 'clean'.
>> as the cut progresses and more debris is generated,
>> this time measure will change and  decrease
>> because the debris will reducethedielectric quality (the anti-conducting
>> quality).
> Time for a peck cycle?
no the ionization time decreases as the conductivity increases ( due to 
debris in the oil, makes it more conductive )
>> IF the time is too small,
>> then the gap is dimensionally too small ( too close )
>> or too dirty ( needs 'peck' cycle )
>> or more fluid flow ( sweep up the dirt )
>> or more offtime or a combination of these
>> this ionization monitor cause & effect loop should be faster than 100mS
>> you cant change flow rates that quickly but you can add offtime to
>> subsequent pulses
>> other strategies are in scientific papers
>> re: The sparc counter
>> not sure what the count deal with yet
>> it sounds like you could get a number related to (sparcs_attempted /
>> sparcs_actual) = sparc_efficiency
>> and then see if adjusting edm servo target voltage or offtime would
>> increae that ratio
> Yes "ionizations attempted"/"sparcs", then to high a peck cycle is needed?
well, the ionization time is a better indication that peck cycle is needed
ionizations attempted / sparcs  ( a low percentage ) can be used to 
   offtime needs to be increased
   gap distance needs to be increased

if changing offtime or gap distance has no appreciable effect, its 
usually best to return to previous values
no effect indicates the system is tuned well enough already

>> adaptive control in edm is a great idea
>> BUT
>> make sure the adaptive control can be turned off!
>> many times in AGie and Elox and Mitsubishi cutting, we found that
>> turning the autopilots off was neccesary
>> ( let ME drive the damn thing!)
> I wait with adaptive control until I figured out how it works but to present 
> some kind of average seems like a good idea.
> There is:
>    Number of ionizations.
>    Number of sparc.
>    Some theorethical numbers.
>    It might also be possible to measure some times like time to ionization or 
> other if this provide some useful information.
i thought you were measuring time to ionize already, so i am not clear 
on what the 'number of ionizations' vs 'number of sparcs' means
one ionization to me is   [ a rise of voltage towards Uopen, then a drop 
towards Udischarge ]
i think you must have a different event for one count, like just the rise
a rise ( without a fall ) will occur when tool is too far away from work 
to sparc

yes, get some experience before tackling adaptive control system
watch a lot of sparcs! they are quite interesting visually, on voltage 
scope, on current scope, on frequency domain scope

just for interest
the auto jump is very important for thin deep slots ( called 'ribs' )
and heres a paper with a pulse discriminator, and auto jump circuit 
description ( no schematic or CPLD code :-(((

tomp tjtr33

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