On Sat, 10 Jun 2017 22:48:47 +0200
theman whosoldtheworld <bleachk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ... thanks for your advice ... but there are 3-4 solution for these things
> ....
> But at present I am more concerned with understanding the use of various
> Lcnc files than any other.

The lcnc files are a little bit hard to understand. The *.hal files are almost 
like netlists used for schematics. It make a lot more sense to visualize the 
configuration in schematic.

There are some old almost working example with geda gschem, whenever I have a 
few I will try to get the script to work. I also heard something about 
rockhopper, it is also vizualized graphically although this was some kind of 
web based interface, html have limitations then it come to user interfaces and 
usually have a second or so delay whenever something is pressed. Graphical 
representation with gschem should be simple, script is currently in python 
while most other output from gschem via gnetlist is in scheme language.

I am fully with you then it come to split application in non real time GUI and 
real time. And at least partly with you then it come C++ and do not like python 
programming language but use whatever is available or have been used before.

Then it come to GUI I like the glade interface designer and automatic 
connection of callback functions. Automatic connection of callback functions 
are available in C but not C++ and for python I do not know.

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