Maybe this is an easy one, maybe not.

When using axis in standard config, on the mdi screen, if you've selected the "MDI Command" text box, you can use the up/down arrows to scroll through the history, enter to run the currently selected history command, and if you use the mouse to click on a history command/the MDI Command box when a history command is selected you can edit the history command and then run it.

What is currently driving me bananas is...... How do you get into the "edit" mode when selecting a history command without using the mouse? In my experience, simply pressing end key might do it, or f2, maybe f6, right arrow, anything? Nothing I seem to press does it short of getting out the mouse. As my current mouse setup is to leave the mouse hanging off the back of the control cabinet, and occasionally stepping on it or kicking it across the garage it's not the most convenient thing, I try to avoid it...

Help..? I'm sure the answer is obvious to some other folks.

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