On Friday 25 August 2017 13:18:32 Les Newell wrote:

> Thinking about it, I noticed this bug as well but completely forgot
> about it.
> Les
All I wound up doing was applying that email to /usr/bin/axis.py. which 
was a copy of /usr/bin/axis.  Then:patch -p1 axis.py <patch file.  No 

renamed /usr/bin/axis to /usr/bin/axis.pyold, then

renamed /usr/bin/axis.py to /usr/bin/axis.

It works!

> On 25/08/2017 18:13, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 25 August 2017 02:58:29 Andy Pugh wrote:
> >>> On 24 Aug 2017, at 09:00, suavesteve <suavest...@hotmail.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Just a thought, but after you applied the patch, you did rebuild /
> >>> install?
> >>
> >> It would probably suffice to patch /use/bin/axis directly.
> >
> > The one helpfull patch applier I know about is kompare.  But thats
> > part of kde and that install drags in over 300 megabyte of kde for
> > dependencies.
> >
> > This jessie/armhf install is just about the minimum lightdm version,
> > enough to make X run albeit not uber-fawncy.
> >
> > So in that case, do I even have a gui for looking at .diff files?
> >
> > I found meld and installed it, but all it could do was copy the diff
> > over the original file. Fortunately I had sense enough to make a
> > backup. Since I had the backup, I renamed axis to axis.py, and let
> > patch -p1 <0001-[tab] take a whack at it.  The axis.py looked good
> > in geany, so I copied it over axis and then ran linuxcnc -l again. 
> > I cannot see anything else effected by the patch, but I CAN now edit
> > in the mdi box using the lft-rt-arrow keys to position the curser to
> > where I want to edit. IOW, it works.
> >
> > Merge it please.
> >
> > Now if I can find whats resetting the key repeat interval from 200
> > ms and usable, back to 2ms the next morning without a reboot, that
> > would be one more step to bliss.
> >
> > Since the wifi also feeds noise into the input circuit, and that
> > path bypasses the usb2 pinhole, along with some I assume is from
> > wlan0, which does go tru the pinhole, I added a couple turn off
> > commands to /boot/config.txt to turn off bluetooth and wlan0, after
> > giving up on finding the keyboard or mouse with the bluetoothctl
> > utility. The keyboard and mouse seem to be considerably less subject
> > to missed events.  That took a cold reboot, and the keyboard was so
> > bad it took me about 10 minutes worth of pecking to get the word
> > "reboot" in the buffer, and to actually do it, keyboard except for
> > the repeat speed, seems to be 100% now.
> >
> > Thanks everybody.
> >
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> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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