On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 3:17 PM, John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com>

> > I would much prefer to edit a well thought out and documented config file
> > than use pretty much any Grunt n' Click interface.
> > People who come from Win and OSX are not used to that, so it seems crude
> to
> # This gives a maxvel of 12.5/1 = 12.5 ips
> #
> # these are in nanoseconds
> DIRSETUP   =              1000
> DIRHOLD    =              20000
> STEPLEN    =              500
> STEPSPACE  =              4000

Agree.  Yes the above is a perfect example of the worst possible
user interface design   I can't see any place there the four parameter names
are described. And there is zero enforcement of any rules or even basic
sanity checking.

At the very least this could have been implemented with an HTML form
where clicking on the parameter name brings up a pop-up wit the parameter's
and clicking on the value allows either direct entry or a calculator.
Then a validation is run to see that all values are valid and

The text editor allows the user to do things like
Which is just about the poorest user interface design possible as it fails
catch even basic syntactical errors until AFTER the user has canceled out
of the
form.   Seriously, who ould design an interface that tell you about  simple
typo only AFTER closing out the screen where you enter the data?
A reasonable design would at least catch an obvious error when the user
clicks "submit" or "save"  A better design would not allow bad data to be

Curent bast practice is to inform the use as soon as it is logically

Point is you do NOT have to give up flexibility for correct and modern
you can have both and all it takes is a simple HTML form and some
Of it you don't like that Java/Swing or whatever.

A correctly design interface would allow exactly the same amount of
but would also provide information about what neds to be entered, have links
to a reference text and then validate the user's entry.


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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