> For driving a bare H-bridge
Thank you Andy.

I am here

Let’s see if that worked:
Show Threads

halcmd: show thread

Realtime Threads:
     Period  FP     Name               (     Time, Max-Time )
     999855  YES           test-thread (        0,        0 )

It did. The period is not exactly 1,000,000 ns because of hardware
limitations, but we have a thread that runs at approximately the correct
rate, and which can handle floating point functions. The next step is to
connect the function to the thread:
Add Function

halcmd: addf siggen.0.update test-thread

Up till now, we’ve been using *halcmd* only to look at the HAL. However,
this time we used the *addf* (add function) command to actually change
something in the HAL. We told *halcmd* to add the function *siggen.0.update* to
It will run at cfg=nqi , when I addf I get this.
There are a few other questions I have . I would like to loadrt cfg=ngiiq
but it won't do that but I think adding this thread is my current hurdle. I
also will need to edit poles count and I'm curious as to what the reversing
scheme looks like , and will it be able to align with only 2 sinewaves
being controlled . And what to do with the extra pin
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