Hi guys

I am currently running 2.7 linuxcnc.  I think it is the stretch iso but I
am not sure.  how to I tell if I have linuxcnc stretch iso.  would love it
if someone could show me a simple way to tell what i have.  there must be
some show command.

I just wondered what is involved in changing to 2.8 and is there a iso that
I can just flash the computer with or do I have to build from source.  as I
saw 2.9 is out now so I guess 2.8 must be getting a lot of use.

Also I was wondering what most people use for all the toolchanger logic
nowdays.  I have seen reference to components and all sorts of stuff
recently.  I was wondering what is the best way.  I currently know of three
options that people use.

1  just use the onboard classic ladder which is not very nice to use and
hard to learn.  advantages are everything is contained within linuxcnc

2 just use a external click PLC.  advantages are easy setup and probably
rock solid

3 use toolchanger components and remapped G codes.

If people could reply to these comments with what they vote best and
ideally a link to the best way to complete the option, I would really
appreciate it.




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