If you are trying to counterbalance a pure weight this system would inevitably end up accelerating into it's travel limits. However if the load has some sort of spring component it should be stable. For instance if you are trying to counterbalance a load so the force feedback is providing most of the force but something else is providing a small stabilizing force it should work.

It is difficult to provide better advice without knowing more about the application.


On 19/09/2019 13:31, Todd Zuercher wrote:
I don't think closing the loop with force feedback would work, If the motor is 
applying x amount of force, adding more weight isn't going to change the amount 
of force read by the force feedback device.  It will just push it down.  The 
feedback will only be reading the force applied by the motor to resist the 
load, not the load itself, so changing the load will only cause acceleration.

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