On Thursday 19 September 2019 09:39:41 Curtis Dutton wrote:

> I appreciate the help and information.
> One last question before I go out and try this. I found a servo motor
> with a serial encoder. What interface board should I use to read that
> if I were using an 8i20 to power the servo?
That depends on the format the encoder outputs.  And there are several. 

The most popular is an open ended protocol whose range is limited only by 
the limits imposed by the number of valid bits the OS supports.  This is 
commonly call ABX or similar, where there is an electrical phase angle 
of 90 degrees between the A and B signals, with an additional, 3rd 
signal of 1 pulse per rev to mark the 0 degree point in the rotation. 
Such a scheme gives the system enough data the it can know both the 
actual rotational position of the device, but which direction it is 
turning, at any time one of the A or B signals changes state. These 
encoders often come in LVDS, meaning low voltage differential, with at 
least 8 leads. These work exceptionally well in high noise environments 
as noise is usually longitudinal, its the difference  between the A+ 
lead and the A- lead that is detected, ditto for B and X.

This is very precise, but assumes the homeing switch that indirectly 
zero's all the counters, is the absolute accurate reference. I find the 
typical miniature microswitch with a rollor tipped lever, can be 
repeatable if consistently operated by the machinery to sub .001", and 
often much smaller errors, like .0002".  Spring-dome pushbuttons, also 
selling for 50 cents or so are even more accurate in terms of 
repeatability. Contaminate exclusion may be up to the user.

There are encoders that output a train of serial data in absolute format, 
but because it takes a finite amount of time to send it, also have a 
latency between recording the position, and updating the controling 
program. So the machine has to slowed considerably as it approaches the 
stopping point. I'm not a great believer in that, but it has been made 
to work.

There are other ways to do it, often proprietary. Meaning if the company 
goes under, you have an unsupported device.  That bothers me.

Your trivia factoid for the day. ;-)

> On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 9:06 AM Les Newell <les.new...@fastmail.co.uk>
> wrote:
> > If you are trying to counterbalance a pure weight this system would
> > inevitably end up accelerating into it's travel limits. However if
> > the load has some sort of spring component it should be stable. For
> > instance if you are trying to counterbalance a load so the force
> > feedback is providing most of the force but something else is
> > providing a small stabilizing force it should work.
> >
> > It is difficult to provide better advice without knowing more about
> > the application.
> >
> > Les
> >
> > On 19/09/2019 13:31, Todd Zuercher wrote:
> > > I don't think closing the loop with force feedback would work, If
> > > the
> >
> > motor is applying x amount of force, adding more weight isn't going
> > to change the amount of force read by the force feedback device.  It
> > will just push it down.  The feedback will only be reading the force
> > applied by the motor to resist the load, not the load itself, so
> > changing the load will only cause acceleration.
> >
> >
> >
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