Linuxcnc get used because it works ... at least well enough to get most jobs done.

I hope Gene gets something workable out of the Rpi4; that looks promising.

My vision of a new system is something very modular. Small boards running a microcontroller with some chance of the chip not disappearing too soon. Maybe that means burning FPGA's for each task and  hoping you can reuse most of the code on the next gen or two. Communication between boards via ZMQ. Use one for motion, another for task and other necessary bits and pieces.

 Does  someone have a better idea than X for the display? Has anyone tried a browser as a GUI?

Speaking of funding; I think the task is too big and diverse for crowd-funding.

If someone really wants to get radical then write a controller that is all NURBS including the straight lines. Of course that also demands a cheap and usable CAD/CAM. I don't think one hands codes NURBS ... ;-)  However that might take care of some of the lookahead problems. Just dreaming. Ha!

......Back to resurrecting my Mazak.


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