Hi Chris,

well, basically I just want to learn how to use them, by making some things I actually have a use for. For now on the lathe, I am trying to make a little shaft for a project.

Why use CNC?  well, because I want to learnhow to use, do lathe work, using CNC.

Well, I do/did build robots/rovers and such.  and dozens, no, but maybe 3 shafts that are the same, and if one breaks or so, make another (the same) one

So really it's about me wanting to learn how to do it, preferably with something like freecad or so.

I don't make a living CNC machining, I wouldn't be a starving one, but be dead one by now. I just want to learn how to do it, because I can.



On 9/22/20 11:21 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:
What are you doing with the Lathe that you need CNC?   The answer to this
will determine what software you need.

As soon as you get into operations that are synchronized to the spindle
rotation, like threading you are in need of specialized lathe-specif CAM
software.    On the other hand, if you are making a one-off bushing why use

One good reason to use CNC on the lathe is for repeatability.  Hand made
parts are only as good as the skill of the operator.  If I needed to make a
few of dozen parts (for maybe an MIT "mini cheetah" robot) I'd go for CNC
so I could be certain the parts would interchange.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 5:53 PM R C <cjv...@gmail.com> wrote:


I was away for a while, I saw a lot of replies/suggestions on the
"subject".   I am going to try and see if I can make the part (a shaft)
in freecad, and see what I can do with it.

As for the other software,  well I won't be making money of it, It's
just a hobby,  BUT  I don't really want to set up another machine or so
just for  running something else.

I was thinking,  that since  a lathe (well my lathe)  has a X and Z
axis, if I'd make a part in 'that plane" in freecad,  that it might be
possible to use that?  I saw a suggestion that there might a a
part/plugin in the path workbench.



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