On Sun, 31 Jan 2021 at 16:06, Jon Elson <el...@pico-systems.com> wrote:

> I made a simple EDM for tap burning type jobs a long time
> ago.  It used something like 36 V DC, 30 Ohm resistor and a
> selection of oil-paper capacitors of 1, 2, 4 and 6 uF or
> so.

A common thread here seems to be that my 1000uF electrolytic is the
wrong choice.

> Ben Fleming's pulse EDM, on the other hand is quite fast.
> Flushing of the debris is a key requirement.  Also, his
> pulser recovers quite quickly, and so fires several thousand
> discharges per second.

Lots of people seem willing to sell me a book with their secret sauce in it.

As someone who gives all my ideas away for free, this goes against the grain.

> What are you using for dielectric?

I tried tap water, but just set up steady-state electrolysis (and
couldn't find an easy way to restrain the workpiece)
So initial testing was done in air.

The only commercial EDM I ever used used what we call paraffin (and
the US calls Kerosene)  as the dielectric. It wasn't something that I
would want in my spare bedroom. Both due to the smell and the tendency
to occasionally combust in a very, very, smoky way.

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