Hi Gerrit

the difference between senkung and draht erodien generator

is the pulse width

in wedm 1-10uS is the entire spectrum

in sink edm 1-3000uS is the spectrum

in any edm that uses the very sort pulse,

it is important that the current shut-off be complete and very fast ( all inductanc ein system must be watched)

if you can turn the power OFF very very quickly, you will increase the metal removal a LOT.

the reason is

the metal removel is the expulsion of a tiny crate pool of molten material

if the thermal change ( from current supplied an heating the pool)

to the time hwne current is removed and the thermal mass of the surrounding environment ( oil water gas )

that makes for a more IMplosive force on the hot plasma bubble channel over the pool.

The quickness of the bubble collapse cause more of the puddle to be ejected

a slower deflating lets most of the melted material to cool back on the surface

look for Dr. Schumakers description from AGie

i cant find it now but it was an excellent presentation of how a spark removes material

the 9 or so pictures are a whole edm education

but try this instead


best of luck with the wedm

(btw it will be a good hole drill spark generaor if it works for wed, just needs up to 100uS max on time )


On 2/1/21 12:53 AM, Gerrit Visser wrote:
Another source of information about pulse generator design: 

(Google translate helps here:-))

Again, my focus is on wire EDM but there must be similarities


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