Could this be a worn thrust bearing instead? I had a similar behavior a few
years ago and that was the cause.

Leonardo Marsaglia

El lun., 12 abr. 2021 15:25, Todd Zuercher <> escribió:

> Those here who have had to deal with a worn out ball screw.  How is this
> normally manifested.  I have a machine that is only showing backlash under
> load.  Is that normally how a worn out screw shows it's age?  I was
> expecting it to be normal loose backlash that you can measure.  But this is
> showing up as springy softness that you have to give a pretty hard shove
> against to move the dial indicator, then it snaps back to zero when you let
> go.  Using the usual jogging methods to read backlash, the machine reads
> zero backlash and positions well.  But dynamically it is awful, with loud
> clucking noises on direction changes and horribly wavy marks left on the
> pieces milled at those changes.  Giving a shove on the table, I can measure
> more than +/-0.01" of this  "springy" backlash, but moving the screw to a
> normally unused position I can only measure about 0.001".  This is a big
> fixed screw (about 2" diameter and more than 14ft long) with rotating nut,
> is there any hope of fixing it?  I'm considering trying to send the screw
> out to one of those screw refurbishing places.  The machine manufacturer
> quoted us over $18,000 to replace it.
> Todd Zuercher
> P. Graham Dunn Inc.<>
> 630 Henry Street
> Dalton, Ohio 44618
> Phone:  (330)828-2105ext. 2031
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