Yes, and an easier way to verify is to think the 60 RPM = 1 Rev. per
second.  So you need 60 slots per rev to give 60 Hz at 1 rev per second.

But why bother making the math easy for a computer?  Use however many slots
gives the best data for the PID controller.  That said, 60 is enough unless
you are going really slow.

Thinking about the non-symetric square wave.   I doubt it is possible to
make it perfect and I don't think it needs to be.   Say the slots
are parallel cuts.  Then they are only 50% at one exact diameter but the IR
light beam overs a spot, not a point.  So half the beam is being
interrupted with a less then 50% duty cycle and the other have more then

You would need to make wedge shape slots to be perfect 50% over the entire
sensor aperture

Worse is that the Schmidt trigger is asymmetric.  The on-point is 1.5 times
higher than the off-point.  That 1.5 factor is relatively large

But does it matter if the controller only looks at leading edges?  OK, you
have some fraction of a degree error with a direction change.  It might
matter if the motor was driving a lead screw.

It makes the wave square I think the solution is to add a radial adjustment

All that said, I cheated and just bought a $15 600 line optical encoder, an
Omron clone.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 8:56 PM John Dammeyer <> wrote:

> Oh and if my math is correct, the 60 slots/tabs when reported as frequency
> by the scope is the spindle RPM.
> 1055 pulses/second divided by 60 pulses/rev = 17.5833333 rev/sec.  (pulses
> cancel out).
> And 17.5833333 rev/sec multiplied by 60 sec/minute = 1055 revs/minute
> (seconds cancel out)
> Here's the test setup with the protoboard that took me all afternoon to
> wire up.  When I'm ready I have a TTL to RS422 driver on it in case
> electrical noise is an issue.  At the moment it's not populated.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Dammeyer []
> > Sent: July-02-21 8:30 PM
> > To: 'Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)'
> > Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Mounting spindle sensors.
> >
> > > I am prepared to state categorically that it must be a coincidence as
> > > "math" was not a word in Douglas Adams's lexicon. As a speaker of
> > > British English he would have always used "maths" as the shorter
> > > version of "mathematics"
> > >
> > Hi Andy,
> > That's the same comments I've heard.  However, nothing is to say that
> someone didn't tell him to use that number and may have even
> > explained that to him.  The chance has to be very very very small that
> someone would pick a number that by luck that worked out to
> > spell MATH which is required for an understanding of the universe.
> >
> > In either case MATH is also required to understand what the scope is
> showing and why the waveforms aren't symmetrical.
> >
> > A couple of caveats here so don't judge me too harshly.
> > 1. The drawing of the encoder disk was done with the idea of using a 3mm
> tool to cut 3.32mm slots which would result in 3.32 mm
> > tabs at the expected diameter.
> > 2. Using a 4mm tool to cut 3.32 mm slots was a bit of a mistake.  Ever
> so slightly.  Well.  OK.  A big mistake.
> >
> > However it was a good exercise, using LinuxCNC and a number of different
> G-Code files for the hub, the perimeter, the mounting holes
> > and the slots.
> >
> > And I'll have to draw up a new larger disk and do this all over again
> because although the sensor bodies do a great job of being clear of
> > the lower pulley the actual sensor mounting tabs stick up too high.
> Can't get the belt on the lower pulley without removing a sensor
> > bracket mounting screw and pivoting it out of the way.
> >
> > Finally, and that would only show up in a video, the ever so slightly
> larger bore of the self-made cast aluminium motor pulley gives
> > that pulley an ever so slight wobble which through the V belt is
> transferred to the spindle pulley (also self-made casting with inner
> > cone to fit on cone spindle drive).
> >
> > It shows up as jitter on the scope.
> >
> > Didn't really care at the time (wasn't going to do it over) since the
> intention is to change to toothed belts anyway.  Once the full CNC
> > system is operational with coolant, mister and splash shields, power
> draw bar.  And I haven't even started on ball screws yet.
> >
> > I'll post the schematic of the interface board to the PhotoLogic OPB990
> series slotted optical switches in another posting.
> >
> > John Dammeyer
> >
> >
> >
> >
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