Is it possible to solve this democratically with a vote using something like 
Survey Monkey?

Would those passionately for and against accept a democratic decision?

It seems that the fear both for and against supporters of the CofC have of it’s 
use (or not) damaging the community is being far outweighed by the level of 
damage being done by this argument.

Can we solve it with a majority decision from the group and move on?

> On 13 Jul 2021, at 11:36, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp <> wrote:
> Anno domini 2021 Tue, 13 Jul 11:03:58 +0100
> andy pugh scripsit:
>>> On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 09:55, Mark <> wrote:
>>> Bullshit.  It's a sign that someone(s) wants to create political
>>> division and strife
>> No, I think that we can be 100% sure that that was never Jeff's intention.
> Well, then why not just remove that abomination and call it a day?
> Nik
> -- 
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