I'm running Yaskawa SGDA drives on my Hurco and velocity control did not work well. To convert from velocity to torque I just reconfigured the drives and changed the LinuxCNC PID settings. There was no change to the HAL configuration apart from the PID values.

Compared to velocity control you need to play around with the PID tuning a lot more. Halscope is pretty much essential then just keep playing with parameters while running a simple program that keeps moving back and forth at rapid speed. After a while you start to get a feel for how each affects the machine. Concentrate on P, I and D first. Once you have those set up feed forward can help improve transient response.


On 30/08/2021 03:57, andrew beck wrote:
hey everyone

i am trying to tune my yaskawa sigma 1 series servo drive at the moment and
thinking about using torque mode for tuning.

currently the process is auto tune drives to a rigidity setting and then
control drives with velocity reference in linuxcnc.  I am not getting the
most amazing control and any P value over 8 means the drive starts
vibrating.  i have tried a range of rigidity settings in servo drive

i have never set up linuxcnc to control torque mode and just wondering if
what the correct way is?  is it the same as velocity control in terms of
the pid loops and hal layer?  or is there another whole level of stuff i
need to do

and i saw that i needed to speed up the servo thread a bit to get better
performance if using torque mode

anyway let me know your experiences



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