(sigh, hit send too soon)

Glen Zorn wrote:
> Is there an RFC that says this somewhere?

  RFC 3580.

3.20.  Called-Station-Id

   For IEEE 802.1X Authenticators, this attribute is used to store the
   bridge or Access Point MAC address in ASCII format (upper case only),
   with octet values separated by a "-".  Example: "00-10-A4-23-19-C0".
   In IEEE 802.11, where the SSID is known, it SHOULD be appended to the
   Access Point MAC address, separated from the MAC address with a ":".
   Example "00-10-A4-23-19-C0:AP1".

>  802.11-2007 doesn't mention
> Called-Station-ID; 802.1X-2004 says this:

 Taken from 3580.

> Note the use of "should".

  Which is a common practice.

>  In addition, there is no guarantee at all that
> SSIDs are globally unique.

  Agreed.  However, SSIDs are *likely* to be unique within a roamin
consortium.  This is because the parties talk to each other, and can
complain when the SSIDs are unknown, or re-used.

> Assuming that the SSID is actually in the Called-Station-ID Attribute (see
> above) and that the NAS didn't just lie in the RADIUS message, too (given
> that there is no way to detect such a lie in a >1 hop AAA scenario) and that
> there is no collusion between X & Z.  We seem to be assuming a _lot_ of
> honesty from our thieves.


  There are mitigating circumstances.  AAA relationships leverage trust.
 Continued trust depends on the parties continuing to meet expectations.
 Lying about SSIDs violates trust.

  Alan DeKok.
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