Sam Hartman [] writes:

> >>>>> "Glen" == Glen Zorn <> writes:
>     Glen> Or we could use the more direct & much simpler approach of
>     Glen> allowing the client to authenticate the network to which it is
>     Glen> attached & use that data to decide by itself.  This can be
>     Glen> done today using EAP-TTLS.
> How?
> I'd appreciate an answer in approximately similar level of detail as I
> have given you the answer  on the channel binding approach.

I was hoping that someone with a higher level of expertise WRT eap-ttls than
mine would jump in here (Steve Hannah, for example) but I'll do my best.
Section 5 of RFC 5281 says:

5.  Architectural Model

   The network architectural model for EAP-TTLS usage and the type of
   security it provides is shown below.

   +----------+      +----------+      +----------+      +----------+
   |          |      |          |      |          |      |          |
   |  client  |<---->|  access  |<---->| TTLS AAA |<---->|  AAA/H   |
   |          |      |  point   |      |  server  |      |  server  |
   |          |      |          |      |          |      |          |
   +----------+      +----------+      +----------+      +----------+

   <---- secure password authentication tunnel --->

   <---- secure data tunnel ---->

   The entities depicted above are logical entities and may or may not
   correspond to separate network components.  For example, the TTLS
   server and AAA/H server might be a single entity; the access point
   and TTLS server might be a single entity; or, indeed, the functions
   of the access point, TTLS server and AAA/H server might be combined
   into a single physical device.  The above diagram illustrates the
   division of labor among entities in a general manner and shows how a
   distributed system might be constructed; however, actual systems
   might be realized more simply.

   Note also that one or more AAA proxy servers might be deployed
   between access point and TTLS server, or between TTLS server and
   AAA/H server.  Such proxies typically perform aggregation or are
   required for realm-based message routing.  However, such servers play
   no direct role in EAP-TTLS and are therefore not shown.

If certificate-based TLS authentication is used & the TTLS server is located
in the visited network (something that the client can check by matching the
identity advertised with a name in the cert), the task is accomplished (in
that the problem becomes one of policy, provisioning and implementation
rather than protocol design or standardization).

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