Hi Sam,

(2011/10/20 21:48), Sam Hartman wrote:
>>>>>> "Yoshihiro" == Yoshihiro Ohba<yoshihiro.o...@toshiba.co.jp>  writes:
>      Yoshihiro>  Hi Sam, Since authorization and accounting with the use
>      Yoshihiro>  of the pre-authentication may be different from those
>      Yoshihiro>  with the use of normal authentication, it would be good
>      Yoshihiro>  to differentiate pre-auth and without pre-auth for
>      Yoshihiro>  network access authentication protocols that support
>      Yoshihiro>  pre-authentication, PANA and 802.11 are such protocols as
>      Yoshihiro>  far as I know.
> OK, but Dan is arguing to remove them.

I see.  As long as all lower-layers are treated in a consistent
manner, I am ok.  Maybe it is cleaner to define pre-auth information
as separate channel binding data.

>      Yoshihiro>  BTW, I also commented about adding IEEE 802.16m and IEEE
>      Yoshihiro>  802.21a for EAP lower-layers.  Here is the references for
>      Yoshihiro>  them:
> Right. I didn't feel qualified to evaluate these.
> Ultimately the chairs are going to have to decide what the table entries
> are; I think that's beyond what I can do as an editor.


Yoshihiro Ohba

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