Hi Alan, 

> Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:
> > Ask yourself: Is there indeed a problem with transferring the “long”
> > public keys (of the client, as you state below)?
>   I've seen this be a problem when the long keys require too many round
> trips.  ~20K of data, or ~20 round trips is about the limit.

For TLS client authentication I am wondering why a certificate chain needs to 
be transmitted to the server. 

>   One way to optimize this is to *not* send the certificates on every
> authentication.

Correct. One could use the cached info extension if the size is a concern but I 
don't think it actually is. 

> All implementations I've seen currently exchange all
> of
> the certs, including any CA chain.  But I'm not sure that this is
> required.

This seems to be the result of misconfiguration. 

>   Sending only client/server cert would minimize the number of round
> trips.

That's what should be done.


>   Alan DeKok.
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