> On Sep 18, 2019, at 9:21 AM, John Mattsson <john.matts...@ericsson.com> wrote:
> If I understand you correctly Alan, your implementation would have different 
> databases (one resumption DB and one external PSK DB) and you do not want to 
> do two database lookups.

  It's more about what *can* be done.  RFC 8446 Section 8.1 and 8.2 talk about 
using multiple DBs, too.

> The format of the PSKidentities is free for the deployment to decide upon and 
> the resumption PSKs can be completely be determined by the EAP-TLS 
> implementation. Your implementation could for example put a message 
> authentication code inside the PSK identity. The MAC would be calculated with 
> a symmetric key the EAP server has randomly generated by itself. I think that 
> would solve your problem.

  I suggest giving guidance to implementors.  Otherwise the issue is open to 
implementation-defined behaviour, which is problematic.

  If PSKs are used only for resumption, the the format doesn't matter.  If PSKs 
are used for both authentication *and* resumption, then I strongly recommend 
giving guidance.

  For example, RFC 8446 Section 4.1.2 says:

      struct {
          opaque identity<1..2^16-1>;
          uint32 obfuscated_ticket_age;
      } PskIdentity;

  i.e. the PSK identity is an opaque binary string.  How is the user supposed 
to enter a binary string into a "username" field in their GUI?  What are the 
recommended formats?

  If the ClientHello isn't encrypted, then the PSK is visible to anyone (I 
believe).  And the PSK *must not* be a user-manageable string such as the NAI.  
On the other hand, if the PSK is sent after encryption begins, then the PSK 
*should* be a user-manageable string such as an NAI.

  I see it being useful for EAP-TLS to allow PSK authentication.  I just want 
to be sure I know what that means, and what the impacts are.

> I do not see how an attacker could do anything..... an attacker can 
> definitely reuse any PSK identity, but would not have the corresponding PSK 
> and the ClientHello would therefore not be accepted. The worst thing an 
> attacker could do is to replay a ClientHello, then the handshake would fail 
> then the EAP server verifies the Finished message.

  I agree.  My larger point was that in the absence of guidance, it's 
impossible to know what to do with a PSK identity.

> I don't see why this would be more of a problem in EAP-TLS with TLS 1.3 that 
> in any other application of EAP-TLS.

  I agree.

  Alan DeKok.

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