On Tue 2019-10-08 13:01:50 -0400, Eli Schwartz wrote:
> Luckily if Mozilla is actually going to use a reimplementation of
> OpenPGP instead of using the badly designed gnupg program, there will be
> the option of interacting with a developer of OpenPGP software who is
> willing to do things like check the size of a downloaded SKS key before
> importing it... rather than getting angry at the world, flipping over
> the board, and deciding that only the inferior keys.openpgp.org in
> combination with self-sigs-only shall be used in future.

There are a number of implications in this message that i don't
understand, but i'll focus on the practical suggestion:

 * Am I supposed to check the size of the "downloaded SKS key" without
   retrieving the key itself (e.g. with an HTTP HEAD)?  Or am i supposed
   to spend 22MB of bandwidth (and the equivalent amount of time) to
   find out that the answer is "too large"?

 * If I always issue an HTTP HEAD request first, do I expect my user to
   wait for a second round trip if we decide to request the key itself?

 * Assuming I'm just using a HEAD request to learn the size, how long
   should I wait for the response to come back from the server? (some
   servers in the hkps pool occasionally take 15s or more to respond,
   even for a HEAD)

 * What should I do if the response from the server is an HTTP 502 "Bad
   Gateway" response or other 5xx return code? (This happens sometimes
   for SKS implementations in the pool)

 * If i check the size of a downloaded SKS key before downloading it,
   and the answer is "very large", what am I supposed to do?  Give up?
   Or maybe fetch it from somewhere that is more likely to have a
   minimized copy?

I am as sad as anyone about the failure of SKS's federated model, and I
am by no means opposed to federation generally.  But the specific form
of federation offered by SKS was known to be trivially subject to a
range of attacks by casual adversaries for years, and has been
increasingly hard for people to use reliably.

I don't want people to use keyservers in general either, but if you're
going to use a keyserver, you might as well use one that is more

My understanding is that there are plans to improve the SKS keyserver
network to where it is significantly more respsonsive using Hockeypuck,
and where it cannot be abused by third-party certifications.  However,
it sounds like it will be self-sigs only, at least at first.  Further
discussion about this probably belongs on the sks-de...@nongnu.org list.

If you want to encourage the distribution of third-party certifications
in a safe way, i recommend reading about Attestation Key Signatures in
https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-openpgp-rfc4880bis-08 and looking
into offering patches to SKS, hockeypuck, or hagrid that can make use of
such attestations.

At any rate, I welcome these changes to the pool, just as I welcome the
service offered by keys.openpgp.org.  In the meantime, I hope we can
agree that it's not useful to dismiss people who just want things to
work reliably.


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