On 7 Sep 2020, at 17:54, Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org> wrote:
>> So then would it legitimate to have a version of Enigmail that continued to 
>> work with TB 78? :)
> Won't and can't exist.  Please stop asking.
> We've given the reasons many, many times.  Originally, the Thunderbird user 
> interface was done using a Mozilla technology called XPCOM. Mozilla has since 
> abandoned XPCOM; moving forward, all extensions have to be written as 
> WebExtensions.
> So all the XPCOM in Enigmail, the stuff that's accumulated over almost twenty 
> years of development?  None of it works any more.
> Enigmail cannot be ported to TB78.  We would have to literally start over 
> rewriting the user interface in WebExtension.  The finished product would not 
> be Enigmail as you've come to know it: it would be something completely new 
> and different.
> If you want to develop your own Enigmail successor as a WebExtension, knock 
> yourself out.  But please don't call it Enigmail.  :)

Maybe call it MailVelope? That’s a Firefox browser webextension that works in 
FX78 and higher for webmail (-:


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