On 30.08.20 16:49, Kai Engert wrote:
Thunderbird 78.2.1 contains a last minute change, which causes the
migration from Enigmail to fail.

We're currently discussing how to best fix this.

If you are still using Thunderbird 68 and Enigmail, please continue to
wait with updating.

A fix has been published.

Before you attempt the migration, please ensure you're using Enigmail version 2.2.2 in Thunderbird 78.

If you had previously attempted to migrate and ran into a failure, then you can manually try again. With Enigmail 2.2.2 installed, the global menubar, Tools menu, contains a command "Migrate Enigmail Settings".

Select that, a tab opens, which contains a button "Start Migration Now".

Patrick, thanks a lot for releasing the update so quickly.


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