On 29/01/04, at 15:54 +0800, Didier Casse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 29/01/04, at 01:29 -0600, Corey Donohoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * What version of libtool are you using? 
> libtool-1.4.3-5
> > * Does commenting out the e_container_layout_plugin_set(e->container,
> > "entice"); call in src/bin/entice.c about line 125 help? You'll have to
> > recompile but you should be able to test from the src dir
> > ./entice /path/to/some/image.png
> It helped more than I had imagined. Now it works fine! Really cool!

Let me take what I said back for a second! Now entice can only view images
not large than 800x600.

I had some images with JPEG 2048x1536 DirectClass 8-bit 1308kb 0.0u 0:01
and it gave me this error message.

 length smaller than size
 length smaller than size
 length smaller than size
 length smaller than size
 length smaller than size
and could not load any

Might be the fact that I commented out the line 125!

For the moment, it's not possible for me to troubleshoot in realtime!


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