* Didier Casse ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> It helped more than I had imagined. Now it works fine! Really cool!
> But with the default.eet I don't see much buttons around (no buttons I
> would say!), so I replaced it with the winter.eet by rephorm and now it
> looks similar to this
> http://rephorm.com/rephorm/design/winter/entice.png
Maybe your edje_cc isn't generating the theme properly.  You can grab a
copy of it at http://www.atmos.org/files/entice.eet 
> and I could load a directory of 100+ photos. :-p
> > I'm glad it's not entice, but I'm not sure what the container plugin's
> > deal is on your system.
> It looks like it!
> PS: How come my emails don't get to the E-devel list??!??!? And yours get
> in faster than mine although I sent first to the list!
SF mailing lists seem lagged, we just happened to get each others
emails before sf got around to letting everyone else get them. :)

Corey Donohoe

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