Hi guys this is something I can contribute to in terms of website. and I can even host it if you all so desire. Question is do you want this built off a framework, such as wordpress where it will be easy to include a forums section or something custom built?

On 2017-11-16 22:26, Stephen Houston wrote:
+1 I've been saying we need a new website bad. And one that is sleek,
modern, and yes white. Time to look up to date and kept with the times. You will notice nearly every major linux distribution and nearly all major linux software websites are in the confines of what you describe. Simple,
flat, white background and black text, sharp but small images that are
mostly subtle, and responsive design to look good across devices. The
reason being that this is proven to be the easiest on the eyes and the most
pleasing to the reader as you said.

On Thu, Nov 16, 2017, 3:58 PM Cedric Bail <ced...@ddlm.me> wrote:


As some of you may have noticed we are doing some improvement to our
documentation and trying to get things easier when starting with EFL. One of the main issue we are facing is that our website is definitively hard to
read for a lot of people. So Paul went on trying to figure out why.

The first problem is actually the constrast ratio between background and
text. According to W3C accessibility guidelines (
https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#contrast-minimum )it should be 4.5:1 at
least. Our colors are #818181 for the text and #303030 which give a
contrast ratio of 3.39:1 ( https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ ). And it is worth for people with vision impairment where it should be 7:1.

Black on white or white on black would work, but according to some random person on Internet (could not find a scientific evidence/citation of it) a white background force your pupils to contracts, making it easier to focus your eye with a smaller pupil (much like the depth of field is increased with a smaller camera lens). This could be shown by a test carried on 136 subject, where the people reading black text on a white background scored
better than any other combination of colors (
http://lite.mst.edu/media/research/ctel/documents/LITE-2003-04.pdf ).

The second problem are our links that are difficult to tell wether they have been clicked on or not. Also they have a slight glow around the links that makes them harder to read. The best link on the subject we can point
to would be
https://www.nngroup.com/articles/guidelines-for-visualizing-links/ .

So it would be best to come up with a more accessible design for our web site. If someone want to suggest a new design within those constraint, it
would be great, but I would suggest to look at
https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/ or at http://doc.qt.io/ . They are simple and work well in term of readability. We could easily go
with something like that. What do you think ?


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