On Wed, 28 Mar 2018 17:27:13 +0000
jaquilina <jaquil...@eagleeyet.net> wrote:

> If the project is up for moving away from SF

Sorry I did not mean to give that impression or confuse. I am an
outsider, I have no clue if there are any plans to move away from S.F.

> I am more then willing
> on my cpanel server to setup an account for the mailing list and give 
> certain people access to manage the mailing list on my server as well
> if they want to install mlmm or other filtering platform.

Likely could do the same on the server hosting other things for E. Nice
offer, but I think the project developers prefer to keep things in
house if they moved from S.F. Their call to make.

> Would be great to get rid of the wonkyness.

I agree, I have been bit by it as well. Some posts were delayed, and I
double posted... :P But I understand S.F. goal and headaches.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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