On 03/05/2019 01:11, Stefan Schmidt wrote:

On 02.05.19 01:11, Simon Lees wrote:
I have ways of creating 3rd party repo's easily, but currently you can
install enlightenment from the openSUSE installer, and I'd like to keep
that at the latest version for each new version of leap, so i'd like e23
or later in Leap 15.2 (about a year away), which will probably need a
reasonably new efl, but will likely only have meson 0.46.0 which is fine
for e but atm not for efl.

Wait, you are saying Leap 15.2 will still only ship with meson 0.46? One
year in the future? Tumbleweed already has 0.49.2 and Leap 15.2 would
not pick that up?

Yep, thats correct, Leap won't be fully synced with tumbleweed again until Leap 16. The core system (both components and build tools) so systemd, dbus, meson, cmake, gcc etc all come directly from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15. So Leap 15.1 will use SLE 15-sp1 as its base, Leap 15.2 will use SLE 15-sp2 etc, this has a lot of benefits such as myself as the dbus maintainer can fix a bug in SLE and that same fix will automatically go into Leap.

SUSE generally wont update any of these packages for service packs without a really good reason, because it causes significant extra work, if meson gets updated any packages using meson that get a bugfix / security update need to be re tested to check that the change in the buildsystem didn't cause regressions.

What is with Leap 15.1? I was not able to find any package version for
meson or EFL for it at all.

Leap 15.1 is not released yet, thats due for the end of the month, it will still ship Meson 0.46.0, as for efl, i'm slightly torn there hasn't been a new e update, and efl 1.20.7 in Leap 15.0 has been really stable with no one reporting any bugs (i'm using it on my secondary system). So in some ways I can't see a compelling reason to update. Having said that i'm going to test 1.22.2 over the weekend and if it looks really good i'll probably try and push it in at the last minute. But my plan for Leap 15.2 will be to have e23 with latest efl again, the e22 maintenance branch is too far gone to be easy to maintain but once e23 is out i'll start putting out semi regular point releases as needed again, and the goal would be to send those point releases into Leap 15.2 as maintenance updates, for now if someone finds a bug (again there doesn't seem to be many atm) i'll probably just backport the fix.



Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

Emergency Update Team                           keybase.io/simotek
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