I wrote:

>       I looked at "e_thumb_main" - it saves to eet files directly.
> That's not really sufficient for giving flexible thumbnail-file
> saving functionality for others to use - it's just too restrictive
> ...

        Having said that, I also just took a quick look at epsilon..
and it seems to me that 'e_thumb' has some nice aspects as well over
epsilon - for efl based stuff.
        It seems to have an evas-object interface that abstracts away
the 'thumb file' concept and just concentrates on giving you the
display-object you want for a given input 'uri' and desired size
(probably could give more info as well). I'm not sure what the real
difference is between an "e_live_thumb" vs a 'plain' "e_thumb", though
the former seems to want the latter.

        Well, maybe there's room here for some kind of revamp/merger/
new-thing or whatever that could take the best from both.. But I think
that something like this could benefit greatly from:

        1. Contrast and compare with other existing solutions, say
           from kde/gnome.
        2. Feedback from people who could use such a thing, say
           toolkit, fm, wm, ... writers.


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